Emma Berry @missberrystea

Emma is a cupcake baker living in the Midlands. She is also a vintage tea party hostess extraordinaire, a writer and a connoiseur of body art. She also loves rock and roll.

Swadders: What is your earliest memory ?

Emma Berry: Living with my Nan in Ealing and going to the butchers for sausages. I would have been about 2.

Swadders: A lovely memory. Are you still a visitor of butchers or did the experience turn you into a vegetarian ?

EB: Good question. I'm a meat eater of sorts but keep it to a minimum... But when I do eat meat, I like to support local butchers.

Swadders: As a small child my grandmama lived in Brixton, South London. I would follow her trail to the Butchers every saturday for a customary sausage roll.

EB:  And why not ? Grandmama's know best when it comes to the procurement if meat... Obviously !

Swadders:  I think that's why my grandpapa married her. Anyway back to you. Ealing ? A good place to grow up ?

EB: Perhaps ... I wasn't in Ealing for long, we moved to Somerset when I was 3. Which was a nice place to grow up.

Swadders:  How splendid. May I ask which part ?

EB: You may. It was Taunton. Not a nice reputation but undeserved I think, there is some good to be had there.

Swadders:  I once stopped there for coffee on the way back from St.Ives. So you grew up hoping to be ... ?

EB: Various things but the one thing that never changed was the desire to be an author.

Swadders: What was the first subject you wrote about with passion ?

EB:  Weirdly, I wrote a poem about a ghost aged six. I was morbidly obsessed with the paranormal as a child.

Swadders:  That's unusual . Are you still interested in that genre of writing ?

EB: Not so much. Still interested but not for writing. Though I like to think there is always a sense of macabre in what I write.

Swadders:  So tell me. Are you a published writer ? Do you have a full time job ? 

EB:  I am as yet unpublished! But hope to change that soon. I do work full time as a manager for Whittard. Amongst other things.

Swadders: Is that what brought you to Nottingham.

EB: It is not. Being a total girl I moved for love. Fell in love with a Midlands boy.

Swadders: Ah its that ole devil called love again :-) . Do you have tattoos ? I see you are interested in body art.

EB: Gets you everytime. Don't it ? Yes I do, I have 3 and counting. 2 dice on my wrist, an angel on my shoulder and script on my back.

Swadders:  Do you plan to have more ? Where do you host your vintage tea parties ? 

EB: I do. I have many many ideas for more. I host them ( the tea parties) wherever people want them, homes, events, fairs, gigs. Im versatile.

Swadders:  I sense you are a great hostess. If you could re-locate to any part of the country/world where would it be ?

EB:  Why thank you. Let the public decide. It would either be Paris or Berlin or somewhere picturesque like a cottage in the peaks.

Swadders: What sort of music do you listen to ?

EB: A huge variety. I'm a bit of a heavy indie/rock girl at heart but I love all types. Right from musical soundtracks to metal.

Swadders: Do you like Imelda May ?

EB:  Yes she's always good when I'm in a swinging rockabilly mood.

Swadders: What's your favourite musical ? Would you like to star in one or write one ?

EB: it's got to be either Miss Saigon or Les Mis... Not forgetting Cabaret. I think I'd be in one over writing one.

Swadders: Fabulous. What would be your ideal film role ? Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tifannys ? Raquel Welch in 1,000,000 years BC ?

EB: hmm good question! I would perhaps go for Liza in Cabaret or Audrey in Breakfast at Tiffany's. So many choices though.

Swadders: How do you think this interview is going ?

EB: I'm enjoying it. How about you ?

Swadders: Yes I'm enjoying it very much. 

EB: No pets. Had a lovely family cat for 13 years who sadly passed this year ... Don't think I will replace him. Do you ?

Swadders: I had tropical fish up until recently and I had cats as a whippersnapper. What's your favourite part of Nottingham ?

EB: Tropical fish. Very cool. I think it would have to be Broad Street in Hockley or the Arboretum, beautiful scenery.

Swadders: I know neither of those places, I will have to Google them. What's your claim to fame ?

EB: Hmmmm interesting... Well I've performed at the Royal Albert Hall where Jacko ( Michael Jackson) was said to have been in the audience.

Swadders:  So he may have seen you perform. Surreal. If you won an award, of any kind, who would you like to present it to you ?

EB: Hmmm not sure what the award would be but I'd go with either Coco Chanel or Emily Bronte. Failing that Kylie Minogue.

Swadders: Emma ..... Thank You.