Nadine @DaisyMaisyLou

Nadine is trying to survive the wonders of life and all the **** that comes with it !!!

Swadders: What is Your earliest memory ?

Nadine: My 4th birthday when my dad dressed up in a devil costume. My nan wouldn't let me have anymore cadburys animal biscuits and I had a sweetie house cake.

Swadders: Wonderful memories. But why was your dad dressed as the devil ? Was it a work uniform ?

Nadine: God knows? He had this dress up outfit, a black cape with yellow horns. I don't really want to know. I was 4 and it was innocent lol.

Swadders: Was your Dad popular amongst the neighbours at the time ?

Nadine:  Yes he really was lol. My dads a bit of a comedien!

Swadders: He sounds it. Ha Ha . Does he have any other costumes ?

Nadine: Now that I'm not sure of lol he's 65 now ! I think id rather not know.

Swadders: Perhaps he wears them when your not there. What costume would you wear at a fancy dress party ?

Nadine: Oh god i don't know. I went as a fortune teller to the last one. Lol. Im gonna have to continue tomorrow. Need to sleep hun x

Swadders: Nadine .... Thank You for participating. Sleep Well.