Stephen Etheridge @gtrombone

Stephen is a PhD candidate at Huddersfield University, examining the link between brass bands, the north and the working-class.

Swadders: What is your earliest memory ?

Stephen Etheridge: Playing with toy cars on the carpet in front of the fire.

Swadders: Were you ever tempted to throw them into the fire ?

SE: Can't say I did.

Swadders: Did you ever throw an action man from a bedroom window with or without a parachute ?

SE: Both, and without helmet.

Swadders: So you could be mischievous if required.

SE: Yes indeed.

Swadders: So what was your favourite toy as a child ? The cars ?

SE: Buckaroo.

Swadders:  An excellent choice sir. Hours of fun . What did you tell your careers advisor at school when asked what you'd like to become ?

SE: A music teacher.

Swadders: Did you become one ?

SE: I did indeed. But only part time.

Swadders: Well that is something. My dream of creating model villages from fudge for a living never came to fruition.

SE: Well it could have been a sweet career.

Swadders: Yes indeed sir. So you have more than a passing interest in brass bands and the north now ?

SE:  I played in several bands as a youth. When I was searching for a research project, it was write what you know.

Swadders: What did you think of the movie ' Brassed Off ' ?

SE: The band represents metonyms of the decline of industrial communities, but the personalities are spot on.

Swadders:  Can you recite ' On Ilkla Moor Baht' at ' without sheet music ?

SE: Now you are questioning my northerness, Sir, of course I can.

Swadders: Brilliant. I saw that on the one show once. So which part of the North are you most associated with ?

SE: The Southern Pennines, very hilly.

Swadders: Do Northerners generally dislike Southerners ?

SE: No, that's a bit of a stereotype, I think? The north is very cosmopolitan now, I think, Dave Russell's 'Looking North', is the best book.

Swadders: I'm always more excited when traveling north. What's the most Northern place you've been to ?

SE: Me and madam Gtrombone enjoyed Lindisfarne and the East Coast.

Swadders: Now Lindisfarne has always looked interesting to me. Was it a daytrip or did you stay overnight ?

SE:  We travelled Round for a week. Went to Whitby, and the abbeys of the East Coast plus a lot of Hadrian's wall.

Swadders: That sounds absolute bliss. What was the most memorable thing you ate on this trip of wonder ?

SE: It has to be the creme brulee in a restaurant in Whitby.

Swadders: Do you have a favourite sporting team ?

SE: I loved the Olympics. But I'm a bookish person. Not into sports as such.

Swadders: That's fair enough. Stephen .. Thank You.